Dog food

A healthy life begins with good nutrition. The quality of dog food has increased tremendously over the last few decades as there is more and more knowledge about the nutritional needs of dogs. There are a lot of choices: you can choose from different brands of dog food, crunchy or pressed kibbles, wet food, fresh meat, grain-free dog food... What food is best varies from dog to dog and from life stage to life stage. Pharmacy4pets has chosen a wide range of food from Sanimed, a Dutch quality brand developed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Anton Beynen, an authority in the field of animal nutrition. Sanimed is 100% natural and contains no artificial colors, fragrances, and flavors.

How do I choose the right food for my dog?

No two dogs are the same, so why feed them the same? The food must match the life stage of the dog. At Pharmacy4pets, we offer dog food for all life stages, plus we have special diet food to support your dog with various health problems.

Food for the healthy dog

A puppy has really different nutritional needs than an adult dog. During the puppy phase, growth and the formation of new tissues are the greatest. Therefore, good puppy kibbles are very important. Sanimed Puppy and Sanimed Junior perfectly account for the need for protein, calcium, and phosphorus of your pup in the different stages of growth. This way, they can grow up safely!

For your healthy adult dog, Sanimed Adult is suitable: complete food that contains everything to keep your dog healthy and fit.

Extra added omega-3 fatty acids in Sanimed Senior help keep the joints of the aging dog flexible. In addition, the protein and phosphorus content are adjusted to relieve the kidneys.

Diet food for the dog

More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates already said 'let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food'. Nutrition is of great importance in supporting healthy body functions. Sanimed has diet foods that support the most diverse organ systems. For example, there is hypoallergenic dog food to reduce intolerances to certain ingredients and/or nutrients, Sanimed Osteoarthritis helps your dog stay flexible, and Sanimed Weight Reduction supports achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. There is also diet food to support the intestines, bladder, and kidneys of your dog.

So, you can order your dog food and snacks with confidence from Pharmacy4pets!
If you have a question about our products or about food for your dog, please contact us.

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