
Only the Best for Your Cat's Health

Cats have long been a popular pet. As early as 7000 BC, there was a good relationship between people and cats in ancient Egypt. Cats are often considered full members of the family. That's why you want the very best for your pet and its health. Pharmacy4pets has a wide range of veterinary medicines, cat food, and other necessities for the care of your cat.

Caring for Your Cat for a Lifetime!

The care of your cat is always important, but varies at each stage of life and from cat to cat. A kitten at home requires a lot of cat toys and kitten food to grow up healthy. It's important to vaccinate and microchip your kitten and regularly deworm it. A long-haired cat requires regular brushing and is more prone to hairballs. For older cats, a joint support supplement can help keep them moving smoothly.

You can help keep your cat as healthy as possible by providing good nutrition, preventing obesity, ensuring proper dental care, and deworming your cat as well as fighting fleas and ticks. Pharmacy4pets has everything for deworming your cat and fighting fleas and ticks, as well as a wide range of supplies for taking care of your cat. From diet food to supplements such as probiotics and calming scent diffusers for the power outlet for when your cat is feeling less brave and confident.
Furthermore, at Pharmacy4pets, you'll find a wide assortment of prescription medications. If your cat is ill and you have a prescription from the vet, you can order the medication for your cat at Pharmacy4pets.
Throughout your cat's life, Pharmacy4pets helps you take the best possible care of your cat.

Deworming Products for Cats

Worms live in the intestines of cats. Your cat can have a worm infection without it being visible on the outside. In severe cases, this can lead to weight loss and diarrhea or vomiting. A worm infection can also be contagious to humans, especially small children. Therefore, it is important to deworm kittens at 3, 5, 7, and 9 weeks and then monthly until the age of 6 months. For adult cats that go outside, it is advised to deworm every 3 months, so 4 times a year. Pharmacy4pets offers several forms of worm control for your cat; you can choose between:

Fighting Fle as in Your Cat

In addition to deworming your cat, it's important to protect your pet against fleas every month. The best way to check if your cat has fleas is by using a flea comb; especially around the base of the tail, the armpits, and the groin area. Contrary to popular belief, fleas are present throughout the year! Therefore, it's important to protect your pet against fleas every month. This can be done through:

Read our page on defleaing your cat for more information.


Do you have a specific question about your cat, a particular condition, or a certain product? Our customer service is here to help! You can ask your question via email to Pharmacy4pets customer service.

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