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Fertility of the cat

Around the age of 5 to 8 months, a kitten becomes sexually mature, or sexually adult. If no interventions are made and a female cat and male cat can come together while in heat, a litter is inevitable. The overpopulation of cats is immense worldwide, and measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies are necessary. We are happy to tell you what you can do to prevent heat and unwanted litters.

Female or Male?

You can determine if your kitten is a female or male by lifting the tail and observing the genital opening. In females, the genital opening is located in a vertical skin fold that almost extends to the anus: this resembles the letter 'i'. In a male kitten, there is more space between the genital opening and the anus. In between lies the scrotum (the testicles) as a thickening. The anus and the genital opening look like two 'dots'. If you are unsure of the gender of your kitten, ask your veterinarian.

Heat in Cats

At around 5 to 6 months of age, a female cat goes into heat for the first time. Heat in cats, however, is seasonal: cats usually do not go into heat in the winter months. This is regulated by the length of daylight. Indoor cats often go into heat all year round, due to artificial light. Cats go into heat in a cycle of about three weeks on average.

Symptoms of a Cat in Heat

A cat in heat meows in a typical way, very loudly and frequently. A cat in heat is also usually very affectionate, rolls a lot, and will press her hindquarters against your hand at the slightest touch. She also really wants to go outside, which you absolutely must prevent!

Preventing Heat

Using the birth control pill for cats can suppress heat, but the risk of this pill is high. The risk of malignant mammary tumors, uterine infections, and diabetes is greatly increased by the use of the pill. If the pill is forgotten or spat out once, there is a risk of prolonged pregnancy and deformed kittens. If you do not plan to breed your cat, then neutering (commonly referred to as spaying) is the best option to prevent heat and unwanted pregnancy.

Neutering of Cats

Neutering a male cat (removing the testicles) or female cat (removing the ovaries and possibly the uterus) prevents unwanted pregnancies. Additionally, neutering a male cat helps prevent unwanted behaviors such as spraying and fighting. For female cats, neutering reduces the risk of mammary cancer and uterine infections.

The Best Age for Neutering

The best time to neuter your cat is before they become sexually mature, so around the age of five to six months. In some countries, including Belgium, neutering of cats is mandatory before they go to their new owners or at the latest at five months of age. This means that kittens are sometimes neutered at a very young age. Early neutering is also widely practiced in certain countries for stray cats.

How Long is a Cat Fertile After Neutering?

Female cats are not fertile immediately after neutering, but a male cat must still be kept indoors for several weeks because he can remain fertile for up to seven weeks after neutering! If you have any questions about our products or about your cat's reproduction, please contact us.

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