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Fleas, ticks, mites and other parasites on your dog

Fleas and ticks are common external parasites that your dog may suffer from. These and other parasites such as mites or sandflies can cause your dog to experience symptoms such as itching, irritation, or inflammation. Some parasites can also transmit diseases. To minimize the chances of this happening, it is important to protect your dog against fleas, ticks, and other parasites. For this purpose, we have compiled some tips and products.

Protecting Your Dog Against Fleas

Dogs often encounter fleas. Fleas are active all year round and are common both indoors and outdoors. They feed on your dog's blood. Fleas lay eggs in the fur, which then fall out onto your dog's resting areas. This can quickly lead to a flea infestation. Additionally, fleas are hosts for tapeworm larvae, which means that fleas can also cause a worm infestation. To protect your dog against fleas, it is important to preventively treat your dog for fleas. Pharmacy4pets offers suitable treatment methods for every dog.

Flea Products for Dogs

A flea collar can protect your dog from fleas for months. The Seresto collar protects your dog from fleas, ticks, and lice for up to 8 months. This collar is suitable for puppies from 7 weeks old.

If your dog has acquired fleas and you want to tackle them specifically, flea drops administered via a pipette or spot-on between the shoulder blades work very quickly. The Advantage spot-ons and Vectra 3D kill fleas quickly, are safe, and even suitable for dogs with a flea allergy. After administration, the flea drops remain active for about 4 weeks. Tablets such as Frontpro also kill fleas and ticks quickly, safely, and effectively. Frontpro remains effective for 5 weeks.

Lastly, you can also protect your dog with a flea spray. A distinction is made between environmental sprays and sprays for the dog's coat, such as Frontline spray. The Frontline spray protects your dog against fleas and ticks and can even be used on young puppies. By using an environmental spray, you can also tackle the flea population in your pet's environment. Only 5% of the fleas are on the dog itself, 95% of the problem is in your pet's environment, your home! So, it is also very important to keep the dog's environment free from fleas.

Tick Control in Your Dog

Ticks are active all year round, but the risk of tick bites is particularly high in warmer months. Ticks are not only annoying parasites, but they can also transmit diseases, including Lyme disease, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. It is very important to regularly check your dog for ticks. You can remove a tick with a tick remover. If a tick has been on your dog for less than 24 hours, the risk of disease transmission is minimal. If your dog shows symptoms after a tick bite, please contact your veterinarian.

Preventing Ticks in Your Dog

Although it is not always possible to prevent your dog from being bitten by a tick, there are fortunately enough options to minimize the risk. Like fleas, a collar can prevent the tick from attaching to the dog's skin. The Scalibor collar protects your dog from ticks, sandflies, and mosquitoes for up to 6 months. In addition, various spot-on products for fleas are also suitable for reducing the risk of ticks in your dog. Frontline Spot-On works for up to 4 weeks against ticks in your dog.

Other External Parasites in Dogs

In addition to fleas and ticks, dogs can also suffer from other small creepy crawlies. These include (scabies) mites, lice, mosquitoes, and sandflies. If you are traveling to southern countries: mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies can cause serious diseases, so good preparation is important.

If your dog is stung by an insect, a lump or swelling may occur. In the case of a sting from a wasp or bee, it is important to remove the sting immediately if it is still in the skin. If your dog is stung in the mouth, please consult your veterinarian, as the swelling may block the airway.

Many products suitable for ticks or fleas in dogs can also be used to protect your dog from (scabies) mites, lice, sandflies, and mosquitoes. Pharmacy4pets offers various collars, tablets, sprays, and spot-on products for this purpose. If you have any questions about external parasites in your dog or about Pharmacy4Pets products, please contact us.

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